
 Quiz II Study Guide


I just can’t get enough Radio Lab. (This one is actually my favorite show!).

Studs Turkel did many interviews of “regular” folks.


Radio Lab example.

A little foley anyone?
How about a new kind of foley-esqerizing?



Yes, the quiz is on Oct. 3.  So, go over your notes and the lectures and find the readings that coincides with the lectures to study up.

A new study guide!
Quiz 1 study guide
This is a only a PARTIAL study guide. Not everything on the quiz is listed on this guide:
1) Know how to identify shot sizes and angles, using abbreviations from the text (if you use W for wide as opposed to L for long, it will still be counted as correct.)
2) Understand Mise-en-scene and the elements of mise-en-scene and the compositional frame.
3) Review depth of field and pulling focus.
4) Know how to distinguish different types of camera movement.
5) Review lenses and perspective.
6) Understand what motivated camera movement is all about.
7) Be able to use proper vocabulary and terminology. For example, know how to describe framing a particular shot.


Final Cut Pro Express finalcutshortcut Arri-S camera Working together and building teams:

Outside Required Readings:

Voice & Vision textbook companion website

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